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Offshore Development

8 Mistakes to Avoid While Considering Offshore Development Company


by Ravi Kalariya

Last Updated on: January 27, 2020

There are many companies that are looking for an offshore dedicated development team for developing products or solutions for their Business. There are many problems in finding and hiring a development team and it is very crucial for any company. The business should look at many different factors like Development Company’s Feedback, Client’s reference, Social media rating and Review before they hire them.

If businesses hire the wrong offshore dedicated development team then they need to pay a cost for both time and ample amount of money. In addition to this, most businesses don't survive when they have worked with a bad development company and they will cost them a lot in terms of reputation, time and money.

In this blog post, we will discuss the top mistakes to avoid while considering the Offshore Dedicated Development Team.

  • Not Verifying Work History Properly

    1. Not Verifying Work History Properly

Businesses should never hire an offshore dedicated development team without verifying their work history, experience, video testimonial and other credentials properly. They should check their history properly by checking how many projects they have created similar types of and in how many times they delivered the end product. Businesses should also take reviews by contacting their past clients. If businesses like them, they should hire the offshore development team for creating their product.

  • Choosing a Company Without Studying Media Space

    2. Choosing a Company Without Studying Media Space

In the current era of the digital world, Social media speaks everything about the company’s mission, vision, global presence, technical rating and project size & tickets. The company’s social media activity in the spotlight tells you much more about it than it’s website information or communicating with the company. If the team consists of technical experience and capabilities then they surely have a blog or case-study to share their experience in certain communities and on the specific industry media. Try to find out the company on different social media channels and study the information properly and verifying all the data.

  • Not Taking In-Detail Interviewing or Technical Round of Discussion with the Development Team

    3. Not Taking In-Detail Interviewing or Technical Round of Discussion with the Development Team

Technical architecture is the heart of any product. The company should not compromise on it. If you build the wrong architecture of the product then the chances of failure might be increasing. Businesses should conduct a couple of rounds of discussion with the technical team to understand their technical capabilities and expertise. Businesses should not just look at the only reputation and name of a development company. They should also take interviews with developers who they want to hire to build the product and make sure that the developer should not be changed throughout the project. In addition, small tasks will be assigned to developers to perform it and check code standard & quality. Technical expertise is the first criteria while selecting developers for the offshore team and should not compromise on it.

  • Evaluating Only One Development Company

    4. Evaluating Only One Development Company

Whenever the company is looking for a development team for building the product of its business. The company should not restrict itself with only one development team. It should try to search for other best fit development teams and evaluate all those on different parameters. Moreover, technical skill-sets, developer’s experience, specific industry knowledge of the developers should be the first criteria for a company while it is hiring any development company or team.

  • Hiring Only Development Company

    5. Hiring Only Development Company

Nowadays, development plus consulting service is more trending and important in product development. Development companies should have subject matter technical experts and technical consultants who can help you to decide which technology should be the best fit for the product. A company should not only consider the development team but also think on the consulting side. A company that is providing development plus consulting service is the best option for hiring.

  • Hire A Company which Offers Development Service on Limited Technologies

    6. Hire A Company which Offers Development Service on Limited Technologies

Businesses should look for development companies who are professionals in developing different digital products and work on different technologies. Development companies should have expertise in different technologies and have also knowledge of similar types of other technologies in case businesses will need to change some technology or architecture in the middle of the project.

  • Stick on only one or two Engagement model

    7. Stick on only one or two Engagement model

Client engagement is more important in product development. The development company should not stick to one or two engagements on which they are just working. They are open and ready to work on different engagement models as per the product’s scope and requirement. They have great experience in different development methodologies like Waterfall, Feature-driven development, Scrum, Agile, Kanban, DevOps, etc.

  • Invest Entire Money on Development Only

    8. Invest Entire Money on Development Only

There are 4 P’s in marketing and need to make a project plan accordingly because marking of any product will play an important role after launching the product to market. If companies spend more on developing the product then they will not be able to do marketing properly. For that, companies should prepare product planning for development and marketing both sides before starting development work.

Looking for the best offshore development company in India? Drop an email at [email protected].

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