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Mobile App Development

How To Improve Team Efficiency By Leveraging AI Tools

23rd Jan 2024

When it comes to modern management, team efficiency is indispensable, and AI, indeed, is a helping hand in boosting productivity. A persuasive team fosters innovation, reaches goals, and maintains a competitive edge. Artificial intelligence offers a promising answer for businesses looking to boost their productivity and coherence.

Being an exceptional mobile app development company, we are committed to enhancing the developer experience and optimizing the development process. We have carefully integrated various tools into our backend development workflow to achieve this.

This blog discusses the primary reasons behind this initiative and explores the tools that have significantly impacted our efficiency, code quality, and overall development experience.

Primary Reason Behind Tools Integration

IConflux's decision to integrate tools into its development process is rooted in the recognition of several crucial objectives. These include:

  • Boosting Developer Efficiency
  • Improvement of Code Quality
  • Reduction of Errors
  • Streamlined Documentation Processes
  • Facilitation of Code Refactoring

By addressing these core aspects, we aim to not only accelerate development timelines but also to deliver powerful and high-quality software solutions to our clients.

Tools Leveraged For Backend Development

GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot has emerged as a powerhouse as far as coding assistance tools are concerned. The tool's pros include its ability to enhance code quality, reduce technical glitches, decrease development debugging time, and expedite code review processes. Developers at IConflux have experienced a notable reduction in the time spent on code reviews, due to Copilot's suggestions and automated assistance.

However, it's essential to acknowledge the cons. Despite its remarkable benefits, GitHub Copilot has shown a slight impact on overall developer efficiency over time. The tool's suggestions, while often helpful, may lead to the repetition of common bugs and issues. Additionally, concerns have been raised about the authenticity of the code generated by Copilot, prompting developers to exercise caution and manually review certain segments.

OpenAI Codex

Our consideration of OpenAI Codex is motivated by a pursuit for alternatives to GitHub Copilot. While still in the early stages of implementation, Codex presents promising prospects. The tool aims to provide intelligent code suggestions and assistance, aligning with the goal of improving code quality and reducing errors.

However, as of now, the pros and cons of OpenAI Codex in IConflux's context remain to be fully uncovered. The team is actively monitoring its performance and will determine its long-term viability based on results and user experiences.


Codeium serves as a comprehensive development support tool designed to enhance development efficiency through code suggestions and quality improvements. The tool's pros include its efficiency in development, proficiency in model generation, and its expertise in suggestion, search, and structural stability. IConflux developers have appreciated Codeium's contribution to streamlining the development process.

Yet, the higher price compared to competitors poses a challenge for its extensive adoption. We are yet evaluating the cost-benefit ratio to ensure that the investment in Codeium aligns with the overall development strategy.


IntelliSense is a widely-used tool that offers code completion suggestions, parameter information, and quick documentation. Its integration into the IConflux development process aids in reducing coding errors, improving code quality, and expediting the coding workflow.


TEXT2SQL.AI stands out as an additional tool specifically geared towards generating queries with sample models. Its pros include the improvement of complex relational model queries, an easy-to-use interface, and faster execution. However, the tool faces challenges when handling large models, which can be cumbersome for developers.

Productivity-Boosting Support Tools

In addition to the primary backend development tools, IConflux has incorporated a set of support tools that have proven instrumental in enhancing productivity. These tools include:

Bard Experimental

Bard Experimental contributes to the development process by providing experimental features and improvements. While not without its challenges, the tool's unique capabilities offer valuable insights and potential enhancements to the development workflow.

Bing AI

Bing AI, a component of Microsoft's search engine, adds a layer of intelligent search capabilities to IConflux's development toolkit. The tool aids in quick information retrieval, contributing to a more informed and efficient development process.


You.com, another search-oriented tool, complements Bing AI by providing additional perspectives and insights. The combination of these tools empowers developers to access a wealth of information during the development phase.


ChatGPT4, based on OpenAI's powerful language model, serves as an intelligent conversational agent. Its integration into the development process facilitates natural language interactions, enabling developers to seek information, clarification, and guidance seamlessly.

Benefits and Impact on Development

The integration of these tools into IConflux's development workflow has yielded significant benefits, positively impacting various aspects of the development lifecycle:

Code Review Time Reduction:

Within the first few months of tool implementation, IConflux observed a remarkable 30% reduction in code review time. The intelligent suggestions provided by tools like GitHub Copilot and Codeium have played a crucial role in streamlining the review process.

Deployment Error Reduction:

Errors during deployment with Docker have seen a substantial reduction of 70%. This improvement is attributed to the tools' ability to identify potential issues early in the development process, preventing deployment hiccups.

Simplified Code Reviewing with SonarQube:

Running the SonarQube pipeline for code review before merging has led to a 10% reduction in basic development-level bugs. The tools have been effective in identifying and rectifying issues at an early stage, minimizing the need for extensive post-merge bug fixes.

Benefits and Impact of AI Tools on Development

1. Code Review Time Reduction:

A significant reduction of almost 30% in code review time was observed within the first few months of tool implementation. The intelligent suggestions provided by tools like GitHub Copilot and Codeium played a crucial role in streamlining the review process.

2. Deployment Error Reduction:

Deployment errors with Docker have seen a substantial reduction of 70%. This improvement is attributed to the tools' ability to identify potential issues early in the development process, preventing deployment hiccups.

3. Simplified Code Review with SonarQube:

While running the SonarQube pipeline for code review before merging, basic development-level bugs have been reduced to 10%. Issues are raised in special cases only, highlighting the effectiveness of the tools in identifying and rectifying issues at an early stage.

4. Rapid Development and Shorter Deadlines:

The integration of these tools has made rapid development feasible, even with tight deadlines. Developers can leverage the suggestions and assistance provided by the tools to expedite the coding process without compromising code quality.

5. Achievement of Coding Standards:

Meeting coding standards has become more achievable with the intelligent suggestions and automated checks implemented by the tools. This ensures that the codebase adheres to established standards, contributing to long-term maintainability.

6. Reduced Knowledge Transfer Time:

The adoption of new technologies or working on a new model has become more efficient, with Knowledge Transfer (KT) time reduced by 40%. Developers can quickly grasp and implement new concepts, thanks to the tools' assistance and documentation capabilities.

7. Improved Efficiency in Complex Use Cases:

Developers at IConflux have experienced a notable improvement in efficiency when dealing with complex use cases. The tools provide valuable insights and suggestions, aiding in the resolution of intricate development challenges.


IConflux's strategic integration of a diverse set of tools into its development process has yielded tangible improvements in efficiency, code quality, and error reduction. The careful evaluation of each tool's pros and cons, coupled with ongoing monitoring and assessment, ensures that the toolset aligns with the company's development goals. As technology continues to advance, the proactive adoption of intelligent tools is proving to be a key differentiator for IConflux; helping us become an efficient custom web application development company.

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