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Angular 14: New Features and Updates [2022]


by Sanket Thakkar

Last Updated on: October 21, 2022

Angular 14 is the most recent version of AngularJS, a community-maintained open-source framework for front-end web applications created by Google. AngularJS is one of the most well-liked frameworks for creating dynamic Single Page Applications (SPAs), and boasts several significant new capabilities in Angular 14, which are expected to facilitate developers' work.

After its ground-breaking predecessor, Angular 13, Angular 14 is finally here with exciting new features and updates. A TypeScript-based web application framework will be the next significant Google update. A more efficient development process and improved user experience are made possible by Angular 14’s new features. Angular 14 is a big improvement over the previous version thanks to typed forms, enhanced template diagnosis, and standalone components.

With its emphasis on streamlining and simplifying development, Angular 14 will undoubtedly be popular with any AngularJS Web & App Development Company in India.

What's New in Angular 14?

The most popular Angular version released by Google so far is Angular 14. And it now contains all the imperative features and updates that the earlier versions lacked. Let's now look at the latest features of Angular 14 in detail without much ado.

Standalone Components

The introduction of standalone components is one of the greatest developments. All components had to be a part of a module before Angular 14 was introduced. Reusing components in other projects became challenging as a result. Developers can now construct self-contained components that can be utilised in any AngularJS Web Development thanks to the new standalone component capability. This shortens the development process and makes it simpler to transfer code between projects. A new Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compiler is also part of Angular 14 and can boost performance by as much as 30%.

Strictly Typed Forms

The key Github problem, which included applying strict typing to the Angular reactive forms package, has been totally fixed in the latest Angular version update. In order for Angular to work seamlessly with the current forms, strictly typed forms will improve a modern-driven approach.

One of the most encouraging features of what's new in v14 is that Angular 14 enables a seamless upgrade experience from prior versions to version 14. To keep the current applications running throughout the update, the Angular team included auto migration. Additionally, you can now use FormControl, which calls a specific value it carries and accepts generic type input.

Angular CLI Enhancements

Version 8.3 of the Angular CLI has just been released, and it comes with a few improvements. One of the most noticeable improvements is the Angular CLI's ability to generate library projects. This facilitates the creation and upkeep of Angular libraries by developers. The Angular CLI now allows for the integration of several applications into a single project workspace. Developers that need to maintain numerous applications with shared code may find this to be especially helpful. Finally, TypeScript 3.7 now has some rudimentary support in the Angular CLI. This will make it possible for developers to use new TypeScript features when creating Angular applications.

Streamlined Page Accessibility

When developing an application, your page title usually clearly displays the contents of your page. The entire process of adding titles was previously coordinated with the fresh Route.title parameter in the Angular router in version 13. However, Angular 14 does not provide the additional imports required to add a title to your page.

Extended Developer Diagnostics (ng compilation)

This feature of Angular v14 provides an expandable framework that helps you gain deeper understanding of your templates and makes recommendations for potential improvements. Additionally, it checks for syntax errors in our components. For example, in the contact us component, delete the reactive.

Improved Template Diagnostics

Improved template diagnostics are included in the latest Angular 14 update to protect developers from generic errors through compiler reconciliation to typescript code.

The compiler did not produce any warnings in Angular 13 or earlier versions, and it stopped executing if a problem prohibited it from doing so. There is a new diagnostic function called ng-template-error in Angular 14 to give you time to transition to the new technique of troubleshooting template syntax errors.

Angular CDK's Most Recent Primitives

A complete set of tools for developing Angular components are provided by the Angular Component Dev Kit (CDK). In Angular 14, the CDK menu and Dialog have been transferred to a stable version of Angular. However, more user-friendly custom components can be made due to the new CDK primitives.

Optional Injectors

When constructing an embedded view using ViewContainerRef.createEmbeddedView and TemplateRef.createEmbeddedView, v14 now supports the addition of an optional injector. The injector enables customization of the dependency injection behaviour within the particular template. This makes it possible for cleaner APIs to be used in the Angular CDK for creating reusable components and component primitives.

Angular DevTools Can Now Be Used Offline

Offline access to Angular DevTools is now enabled. This implies that even if you are not online, you can still use the Angular DevTools. This is a fantastic new feature for Angular 14 that will undoubtedly save Angular developers or companies providing AngularJS Development Solutions a bunch of work. You may examine Angular components and diagnostics in real-time with the Angular DevTools. You will be able to use the Angular DevTools even when offline due to this new offline functionality. For Angular developers who are frequently on the go and don't always have access to an internet connection, this will be a huge assistance. The Angular DevTools will be even more beneficial for Angular developers as a result of this enhanced offline functionality.

Summing Up

With some excellent changes and new features, Angular 14 has finally been released. On the entire developer community, this release will have a significant impact. Our team is known for providing excellent AngularJS Web Development Services, and can help you get started quickly and easily if you're wanting to leverage Angular to create your next app. For more information on how we can help you with the creation of your upcoming major project, contact us right now!

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Written By

Sanket Thakkar

Sanket Thakkar is the co-founder of IConflux and an eminent IT professional with a knack for sales and marketing. With a robust background in business development, Sanket has been instrumental in securing new business and building a diverse and impressive clientele for IConflux. His leadership and vision have guided the company to achieve remarkable growth and success.

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