NodeJS Development

PWA Vs. Native App: Which One You Should Consider For Your Project?

25th Apr 2023

Every business today requires a mobile app, which must provide users with enjoyable and effective experiences to be useful. Progressive Web Apps (PWA) have gained increasing support over the past few years. PWA combines the capabilities of a website with those of a native app. The development of native and web applications is becoming increasingly cluttered. Many have questioned if PWA would eventually displace native apps.

So, if you're unsure whether to choose progressive web app development services or native app development through a reliable Node.js application development company or want to understand more about PWAs, carefully read this entire blog post.

PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) Vs Native Apps

Progressive Web Apps, or PWAs, are mobile websites primarily made to function inside a web browser. They are multi-platform because they can be designed in languages like CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Consequently, they combine a website and a native app. PWA websites can give users experiences similar to those of apps.

Native mobile apps are intuitive applications already downloaded from the Google Play or iOS app stores. These apps are made expressly to take advantage of a particular mobile device's hardware capabilities and provide an interactive user experience. Native applications have been a part of the mobile phone industry since its inception, and we have been utilizing them for a very long time.

Do Progressive Web Apps Beat Native Apps?

Cost of Developing Progressive Web Apps

The key advantage of PWA is its simplicity in development. Compared to native apps, web apps are easier, faster, and less expensive to produce. Also, it's simpler to manage and maintain. Limitations in the application store do not hinder the development process. Any feature can be controlled, enabled, or disabled. While developing a native mobile app, a bad bug can result in a catastrophe.

For two key reasons, you will spend less to create a progressive web app. Since it is a web application, you don't need to design cross-platform versions because they are all the same. Another reason is that it's extremely comparable to conventional web development.

Additional Perks

Libraries, components, and other resources are abundant for web development. Also, you can use any of the well-known JavaScript frameworks, such as those we discussed in our post. This further reduces development time and facilitates the creation of progressive web apps.

Without app stores or other middlemen, PWAs can be quickly accessed and installed. Due to the nature of the web, they perform extremely quickly (with all the dynamic content and caching).

One of the PWAs' key advantages is the quick user experience. The app opens in less than 5 seconds, and users do not need to download and install the solution; it is accessible with only one click.

Is PWA Secure?

As the world becomes increasingly digital, we rely increasingly on web applications to access information and carry out everyday tasks. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have emerged as a popular solution, promising the best of both worlds - the flexibility of web apps and the functionality of native apps. But are they secure?

In short, yes. PWAs use secure HTTPS protocols, offer offline capabilities, and implement strict security measures to protect user data. However, just like any other technology, potential vulnerabilities must be addressed. This article explores the security benefits and challenges of PWAs, shedding light on how they can be harnessed safely and effectively to enhance the user experience.

Will Progressive Apps Replace Native Apps?

The advancement of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) has led to speculation about whether they will replace native apps entirely. The answer to this question is not as straightforward as we think. While PWAs offer many benefits, such as offline functionality, cost-effectiveness, and ease of development, they still have limitations compared to native apps. These limitations include reduced functionality and performance, limited access to device hardware, and the inability to be distributed through app stores.

Native apps, on the other hand, provide a superior user experience, greater performance, and access to device hardware. They are distributed through app stores, which improves their visibility and discoverability.

So, while PWAs have their advantages and are suitable for certain use cases, they are not likely to replace native apps completely. Native apps will continue to dominate in areas requiring high performance, complex functionality, and access to device hardware. PWAs, on the other hand, will likely continue to be a popular choice for simpler applications and those that do not require access to device-specific features. Ultimately, choosing between PWAs and native apps should be based on the specific needs of the project at hand.

Is PWA the Future?

Let's talk about PWAs' effects across different industries. We've highlighted a few of the fields where PWAs have had a significant difference:

Social Media:

PWA has significantly impacted social media sites like Twitter and Twitter Lite for smartphones. It contributed to Twitter's website optimisation and saw a 20% drop in bounce rate. They contributed to a 65% increase in pages per session in Twitter Lite.

Online Ordering Applications:

Many individuals use online ordering services to order meals, taxis, and even complete tasks. Native web applications, however, have always been reliant on network connectivity. By improving the conversion rate and network connectivity of online service providers, PWAs have overcome this issue.


For businesses that have converted from native web applications to advanced web applications, PWAs are causing significant changes in conversion rates. A user can launch an application using a PWA with just one button click. Thanks to PWAs, businesses have seen an increase in application usage and go-to-market shipment rates.

Browsers like Google Chrome and Opera support progressive web applications (PWAs), while Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Firefox are working to add support. So, progressive web applications have the potential to become the web applications of the future, but only partially.

The Future of Progressive Web Apps

PWAs can improve the web experience by blurring the distinction between websites and applications. Only time will determine where PWAs will advance the greatest.

PWA has the potential to become the ideal fusion of a website and a native app. However, that is still very far off.

How to Select the Right Application for Your Business

A product owner or business creator must first think about the application's function and the needs it is meant to address. Progressive web apps are typically used to create small services where usability and speed are more important than sophisticated features. There is no need to purchase a more expensive native app if all functionality can be accommodated in the PWA.

PWAs can sometimes provide a seamless user experience and a wide range of functions, but not always. The following are the primary circumstances in which choosing a native solution through Node.Js application development is recommended:

  • Games that depend on responsiveness;
  • Banking and Financial Apps with high security;
  • Resource-intensive and device-dependent apps like VR, AR, video chats, and so forth

In this blog post, we've highlighted the benefits and pitfalls of PWA vs. Native applications. Given that PWA is a relatively new product, native applications may still provide additional advantages.

Cons of Progressive Web Apps

Limited Software and Hardware Support

Several hardware and software platforms still don't support all of PWAs' functions. One of the worries regarding numerous problems is their freshness. For instance, iOS does not currently allow notifications for progressive web apps or home screen shortcuts. Working with PWAs also eliminates access to cutting-edge features like GPS support, phone cameras, biometrics, etc.

Issues with Legacy Devices

It shouldn't be surprising that PWAs aren't properly supported by older mobile devices and out-of-date web browsers, as they've only been available for a short while. Although this issue will unavoidably be resolved in the future, certain businesses might receive complaints from customers as a result.

Few Innovations and Functionalities

Progressive web applications cannot use technical features like Bluetooth or NFC (Near Field Communication). This restricts the directions and paths your app might take and eliminates any opportunity for you to product development that makes use of both current and next technological advancements. Additionally, because web app developers aren't paying to have the app on the App Store, mobile vendors like Apple frequently restrict web apps' access to specific device capabilities and features. It again restricts the kind of app that may be created as a PWA.

Restricted Support for Browsers

Although they have the potential to be cross-platform, PWAs have a primary focus towards Android users. While using other browsers like Edge and Safari, they do not function well. PWA support is currently being developed for these browsers.

Pros of Native Apps

A correctly optimized native app provides several important advantages over a PWA. The main one is the offline capability. Although both native apps and PWAs can give consumers access to the information they need without an Internet connection, native applications take the prize in this segment.

Outstanding Performance

The native applications on the planned devices can download and save the content components, which speeds up loading. The apps will be more responsive and quick. Such applications use the device's hardware and operating system support, which boosts performance.

Accessing mobile app development services enables you to obtain native apps that offer a wonderful user experience and operate on devices without issues. The codes are written in platform-specific programming languages, making the apps work more quickly. The apps operate effectively even without network connectivity.

User Experience and User Interface

Native applications are created by Node.Js development companies in India, taking into account the specific technical capabilities of the hardware. This allows them to maximize the device's capabilities. The interface's seamless integration with the smartphone results in a pleasant user experience.

Progressive apps' code can be recycled for several platforms. The desktop, Android, and iOS editions can all use the same functionality and UI framework. Finally, the solution supports three devices rather than just one, and all it took was a small modification to the current code base.

For instance, speed and interface are important considerations when it comes to mobile games or messengers. A small issue or a slow page load time reduces customer satisfaction because users want to access the benefits immediately.


Application security is paramount, and native apps significantly outperform cross-platform ones. Native applications are superior and secure and can better safeguard user data because they give full access to the device on which they are installed. Their structural layout enables the addition of additional security measures like multi-factor authentication, lowering the likelihood of dangers and offering maximum data protection.

Simpler Testing

Testing native apps is much simpler because it involves testing on one platform. Compared to alternative methods of app building, even managing the productivity of the resources requires less work. Every Node.js application development company is well-equipped to deal with issues and provide solutions for a single platform.

Cons of Native Applications for Developers

Nevertheless, there are several drawbacks to native apps, particularly in terms of distribution strategies and development expenses.

Lengthy Downloading Process

The native apps require several downloading steps to install from the App Store or Play Store. To use the application, users must first locate it, understand the terms, and then download it. Users occasionally lose patience while installing an app because the download takes so long.

Frequent Updates

Developers must first submit any updates to the app store in the hopes that consumers will become aware of them and update their applications to the most recent versions when a bug in native apps is fixed, or a new update is ready to be released. Most phones have automatic updates, so this is usually not a problem. However, if a user doesn't have automatic updating enabled (which could be because their storage is almost full), it's possible they won't notice the update, which could cause them to uninstall the app because there are still bugs that haven't been fixed or no new updates have been added.

Development and Maintenance is Expensive

If you use a native app, you will require two distinct teams, one for development and the other for maintenance. It needs to be specifically created for different operating systems. The upkeep of native apps is a time-consuming process; to ensure client happiness, you must regularly check for problems and crashes and update with the most recent trends and technology.


Since native apps must be developed for several platforms, this process takes longer than developing other apps for any Node.Js development company in India. Codes cannot be reused, therefore, if you want to create other program versions, you'll need to employ a different crew. The developers must write scripts specifically for each operating system, which requires much effort.

Installation or Manual Updates are Not Needed

You don't need to download the Twitter progressive web app from the Play Store or the App Store. Users can log in instantly by going to When Twitter upgrades the PWA, users don't need to manually install it; all new features and bug fixes are accessible immediately.

Of course, users are not the only ones who gain from smooth upgrades. In addition to delivering updates as frequently as they like without upsetting their users, a company that creates and maintains a PWA should anticipate receiving fewer support inquiries from users who are still using an outdated version of the app.


PWAs have URLs so that Google can index them. Your app won't be dependent on app stores since users can find a PWA quickly using a search engine. You might also promote your PWA via a variety of venues, including emails, social media channels, and home pages. Comparatively speaking, this offers a lot more variety than a single app shop.

Quick Installation

PWAs don't require the lengthy and challenging installation process that regular modern mobile applications do, which dramatically improves user experience. Users can easily and quickly download an app to their devices without going to the App Store or Google Play. It streamlines the procedure and significantly reduces user churn. Users can access an app by clicking on a desktop icon after downloading it.

Some browsers even offer teasers that resemble calls to action when users visit related websites, enticing them to download these apps. Thanks to browsers' built-in functionality, the apps' trustworthiness and credibility can be increased. Since this software does not need to be downloaded on the user's device, the PWA may be immediately accessed using a URL.

Impeccable Offline Operation

Due to their ability to operate in insecure networks or without an internet connection, PWAs are substantially more effective than websites. Thanks to built-in service workers that automatically cache crucial functionality and data, users may see progressive web apps without an internet connection, so there is no need to download the programmes.

It is based on preserving data from prior user visits, such as pages. If a user attempts to open a page they haven't seen online, an app might show them a special offline page. This option allows retailers to keep more customers by stopping them from leaving their catalogues.


You should evaluate your objectives and decide what necessary and supplemental functionality you'd like to provide to the end user before deciding whether to design a web app or a native application. Building a progressive web application will probably be less expensive and quicker than building expensive native platforms, provided that the final solution isn't too demanding.

However, it's also possible that PWAs cannot improve upon the experience offered by already existing applications. The optimum approach for your business aims and objectives can also be a blend of the two.

Mobile applications' future might be in PWA. With time, they might displace native programs and eventually combine the best features of both websites and native apps. Contact us to discuss your application requirements to develop a robust application with IConflux– a reliable Node.Js development company in India.

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