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Digital Transformation

How a chatbot can benefit an enterprise to grow more.


by Anurag Sharma

Last Updated on: November 13, 2019

A chatbot (Rule-based / AI) have made a significant impact in businesses over the last few years. It is assumed that chatbot is specifically meant to improve customer support, however business owners are evaluating its numerous benefits that limits to not only for the customers’ engagement and customer service. In an enterprise, chatbots are valuable to individuals and teams in various ways.

Few trends about Chatbot –

  • By 2020, 40% of enterprises will actively use chatbots to make their business processes more smooth.
  • 70% of enterprises worldwide want to implement chatbots by 2020.
  • According to the Accenture study, 70% of executives are now investing more in AI technologies then they did in 2013.
  • According to research, 80% of customers’ interactions will be conducted without humans by 2020.
  • 70% + consumers due to immediate response prefer communicating with chatbots.

Few ways the enterprise chatbot is being beneficial for optimizing an enterprise operation –

  • Increase Productivity of HR team

    1. Increase productivity of the HR team

Many times employees found themselves to spend their time in reaching out to their reporting manager or someone from the HR department whereas having a chatbot they can directly talk to the bot by text/ speech and get the response to their concern(s) immediately.

For an HR, to screening the resumes of candidates as per required criteria is a bit time consuming specially when receiving resumes on a large count, here chatbot can reduce their time by self-screening the resumes and accepting only those who are perfectly matching the job criteria and rejecting the ones which are not fulfilling the criteria thereby allowing HR team to focus more on high productive tasks.

  • Handing Data

    2. Handing Data

In an organization a large amount of data/ information generates through various departments on a daily basis which often difficult to manage efficiently even by employees. Deploying AI-powered chatbots can easily manage enterprise data and generate insightful reports on a single click.

  • Customers Journey

    3. Customers’ Journey

Every business irrespective of any size runs on customer and customer experience here plays a vital role in the success of the business. Nowadays companies are giving tough competition to each other on the basis of managing their customer experience and the chatbot is undoubtedly a simple yet powerful source of customer support. More is the customer satisfaction level, more will be the chance of getting business from the same customer.

  • Marketing Team

    4. Fills the gap between Sales & Marketing Team

Sales & marketing team goal is the same. Generally, the marketing team generates leads for the sales team and sales team, in turn, convert them into customers. However, both teams don’t work with each other at a time this creates confusion due to delay in response or miscommunication. A chatbot is a way to moderate the transition of leads from the marketing team to the sales team thereby avoiding any kind of confusion between the teams. The efficient use of chatbot in sales and marketing can increase the leads up to 20% and increase the new clients by 15% thereby optimizing the sales cycle by 30%.

  • Supply Chain Process

    5. Optimize Supply Chain Process

The AI chatbots have made a tremendous contribution to optimizing the supply chain process from Customers’ order booking to updating all relevant departments about the order, checking the fall in inventory in stock and self-procurement of necessary inventory. Today every customer wants to interact as per his time convenience hence chatbot offer 24/7 error-free availability for any amendment in booked order, general inquiry about their order processing stage and most importantly customers’ feedback.

  • IT Helpdesk

    6. IT Helpdesk

Help desk requests are very basic kinds of requests related to the printer not working, forgot/ reset the password, not recognizing USB drive, set the guest Wi-Fi access, etc. and all such or related helpdesk queries need lot of time to answer and resolution. A cahtbot can take care of these simple queries and allows the IT support team to focus on more complex queries. Having a chatbot as a partner with the helpdesk department can reduce their turnaround time by 35%.

  • Conclusion


Implementing chatbot for enterprise results in better customer experience and leaving more time for employees to focus on more productive activities to generate revenue for the enterprise thus boosting the employees’ performance. Employees can access the information in one click without leaving their current application to other portal/application. Do you want more information about smart chatbots for your organization or eager to know the proven solutions and services of IConflux for your enterprise, contact us on [email protected]

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